Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Stuff that's happening

I've done a fairly shitty job of keeping up with this--though I fully intended to do so from the start.  However, it's not been from a lack of creativity.  Musically, this is the busiest I've ever been.  I've been writing/recording one song a week in the Bee Hive.  Getting better at the whole mixing thing.  Problem is often that I mix the levels too high, and then, when I try to boost/master it, the whole things turns into an auditory fuzz ball.  I really should learn from people who know what in the hell they're doing.  But, I go out there during my one day a week I find free time after school--and that doesn't always fit in with the people who are in the know.  So, I struggle.

Truthfully, I want to get others involved in fridaynighttracks.com 

I think it's got potential to be something a lot of local musicians could do--it's a great motivator.  Even if I'm only getting 25-30 plays a week, it's still something.  Not to mention, I've got some great short story ideas to go along with some of these tunes.  Some weeks, I'm very proud of what I've created.  For example, "The Walls" this week saddens me when I hear it--so I think that's mission accomplished.  I was in a cloudy mood when I wrote it, and I think it speaks to that end.  Other weeks, I see a lot of room for improvement.  This week's tune is going to be a cover--not sure which one.  But, I've gotta record it tomorrow or Thursday, so I guess I'd better pick one quickly.

KKC is just going to pick a day near the end of April and set a studio date.  We'll be ready, because we HAVE to be.  We've gone over six years without releasing any new music, and that's really inexcusable.  We're gonna make it up to our fan base, though.  We want to do one EP every six months after this for a few years.  We've got the resources here now--I've just gotta sharpen my craft a bit.

The Seven Deadly Sins  has been in the works for quite a while.  I think it's gonna be about 21 songs--14 straight on KKC tunes, and 7 instrumentals.  It's quite epic and very dark.  It makes me happy to know that when people mention heavy music from this area, most people will mention Kitchen Knife Conspiracy at some point.  We're very proud of that.  So, we want to play some shows and get this new music out there.  However, this is the first time we've ever said, "Eh, let's just not set a studio date until we're ready"--and what do ya know--it's been six years.  The singer change slowed things down for a while, but now, it's on us. 

Okay.  That's it.  I've gotta go and file taxes--which is always a pain in the ass.   Like that money, doe.  If we get any.  Gonna get me one of dem free Obama phones.

God.  I hate Tea party/Hillbillies.