Saturday, March 1, 2014

Watch the creepy things I like right now

It recently came to my attention that I'm liking creepy things.  Not like, "staring-into-people's-windows-with-a-telescope" creepy.  No.  Just "kinda-fascinated-by-stuff-that's-rather-odd" creepy.  So, I thought maybe you'd all like to see/hear some of the creepy things that I'm digging on.  Maybe it'll be too creepy for you.  Maybe this won't be creepy enough for you--which would make me think you're extra creepy.  So, maybe I'll like you more, since I'm into creepy things right now.  Unless I decide you're too creepy to be on my list of cool, creepy things.  Then, I won't talk to you anymore.

Creepy Thing #1 - Weird Al's "Good Old Days"
This has always been one of my favorite songs from Al.  The lyrics are ridiculous, and it makes many people uncomfortable.  That's why I like it:

Creepy Thing #2 - Flight of the Conchords "If You're Into It"
I never really got into this show big time, but I've seen snippets of it, and I love these guys.  This song is hilarious.  Slightly mature content--but amazing.  Worst of all, the song sticks in my head for hours.  But, it's creepy.  So it's okay.

Creepy Thing #3 - The Best Scenes from "Freaks"
This is considered a horror film classic.  Something about this "highlight reel" is perfect, so I don't feel the need to see the entire movie.  But, wow.  I feel like there's a lot of people from Niles who are like this.

Creepy Thing #4 - Sid Vicious/Justice breaking his ankle
If you're squeamish, don't watch this next one.  But if you aren't, check it out.  It's my favorite wrestling injury ever, if one were creepy enough to rank those.  Which I'm not.  Probably.

Creepy Thing #5 - This song I used to hear when I was a kid
My mom thought it was funny to play this song for me when I was a kid.  I was pretty young.  We had it on a 45, I think.  But I never liked it, because being in a backseat with seven girls kissing me made me feel squishy inside when I was 6.

Okay.  So those are the creepy things I kinda like at the moment.  Now I'm gonna go stare into my neighbor's kitchen window for two hours.