Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015 In the Rear View Mirror

01/02/16 (That's the first time I've written that.  Wowza.)

2015--This was an enjoyable year, overall. 
It wasn't without its share of challenges:
The death of my Aunt Cheryl was the lowest point.  She was always supportive of me and my brother--and has always looked out for us.  She was very close with my father.  She reminded me of my grandmother so much, so that was also a tough blow.  It was sort of like losing Meem a second time.  However, I know she loved me and was proud of me for who I am now.  So, knowing that she was connected to me in that way has helped.  I'll miss her for the rest of my life.

My 10-year-old bunny, Payday, died.  That blew goats.
Also, my father-in-law having another surgery has been quite frightening at times.  He's strong and I respect that man so very much.  He's always treated me like a son--long before I married Erin.  He built our house with his bare hands.  He fought in Vietnam.  He's funny and kind-hearted.  I love that he fights through every challenge.  Even yesterday, only a few weeks after his surgery, he was in the front row at the Fiesta Bowl. 

To me, he's inspiring.  I want to be like that guy.  That's my goal.
But mostly, this year was positive:
My nephew, Porter, was born.  He's healthy and growing, and Everett is getting bigger.  And hopefully, he's beating the hell out of his new drum set at home.  It's amazing to see him growing into his own person.

I've loved my job because that's what I have to do now.  I can't look at all the negative stuff going on in education.  I will do my part to improve, but I can really only control my classroom and my students.  I appreciate the kids around me everyday.  They really do give you hope.  I've seen so many wonderful WGH kids grow into awesome adults.  Politicians can shove their disconnected mandates.  They don't know what it's about.  I'm going to teach and enjoy it.  I won't be there forever.

White Cadillac has taken a hiatus, but KKC released a new disc--we're already planning on writing something new starting tomorrow.  I also enjoyed a great experience playing my first solo performance this year (only three songs).  More importantly, I got to perform several Jeff Buckley songs with some wonderful musicians and people.  And Noll.  That experience will stay with me for a long time to come.

I got to spend a lot of time with friends.  Got to go to Notre Dame on five different occasions.  Overall, 2015 will fall into the blend-together of the kaleidoscope of memory.  But it'll be on the positive end of the spectrum.
On to 2016:
I'm going to write a lot--poems, short stories, etc.  There's a project in the works with my friend, Dave Biscella.  I've got a few more radtastical friends who are gonna be in the mix, too.  More details soon, but I'm really stoked about it.

There's another tribute show I'm working on for March.  This will also be revealed more to everyone in the next several days.  But it should be great.

As mentioned earlier, KKC is gonna do some new music.  We're looking at an EP.  At this stage of our lives, we just want to write.  Playing shows is cool, but writing is what gets us lathered up.  So, that's where we're going to go.

Erin D is ready for a full-time craft space.  So, that's gonna be in the basement.  My friend, Mr. Shimko, has offered to help lay this baby out.   So, after eight years, the basement is gonna get its first face lift in 2016.  Hoping to finish the whole thing eventually, but that's not a 2016 project.  That's more of a 2016-2025 project.  If I'm lucky.

Finally, I want to do another solo music thing.  It's looking like it'll be connected to the writing project I mentioned at the beginning of this ramble. 

That's about it.  I'm really missing college--just learning, in general.  My goal was always to get a doctorate.  I've never let go of that goal.  Maybe someday.  Not this year.  Maybe I start on it?  Who knows.  A guy can dream, right?
If you're reading this, I'm glad you're interested in my life, and I'm also glad to be interested in yours.  I don't know how we became friends, but I'm glad we did.  I might never even see you in person very much--but if you're here, I love you.  Let's go get a beer/coffee in 2016.  Hit me up.