Monday, January 28, 2013

What I've learned in 2013

Well, I couldn't have learned much.  We're barely four weeks in.  Wrong.

1. I learned that I'm more giddy about my team being successful then I was when I was younger. 
You know, growing up a SF fan, I got spoiled a bit.  I saw them win five Super Bowls total--four when I was old enough to really comprehend what was going on.  They won it when I was senior in high school so, at 17, I figured a few more were on the way.  But they never returned, for 18 years.  So, I'm geeked up.  I'm excited because, if they win--hell, even if they don't--people can start calling me a front runner again.  I've only gotten to hear how shitty they are for so long.   Now, when they're winning, people can tell me how I'm on the bandwagon.  I love that.

2. Writing a song a week is very rewarding
This challenge, writing and recording a new tune in my studio every week, has been really, really hard.  Especially while trying to adjust to a new group of students for this semester, cleaning up the Xmas aftermath--and the robotics season is about to kick up.  Either way, I feel very cool about what I've done thus far.  I'd like to further develop to include other local artists.  That's my goal.

3. Writing a song a week isn't rewarding at all
Mainly because very few people give a damn.  Like, I know I get a handful of plays--from friends, family, etc.--but no one else really cares.  Truth be told, I only get to listen to 20% of what my friends post online.  I try.  But it's hard to do that all of the time.  I'm not gaining anything by doing this, other than the satisfaction.  I might try posting it on reverbnation and soundcloud, to see if that gets it out there further.  I've got some more ideas for promotion.  For right now, it's just for me and, like, five other people.  But, I suppose I'm doing it for me in the first place.  I dunno.

4. I want to sing
I grew up singing. It was the first thing I ever learned how to do--like, before constructing sentences.  I do enjoy drumming in WC and KKC, of course.  It's always been very rewarding, and I'll continue to do forever, if I have my druthers.  But I want to SING in a band, I think.  Perhaps even the "dreaded" COVER BAND.  A lot of guys play music around here every other weekend, and make GOOD money doing it--and it's not THEIR music.  But, they make it theirs--and people follow them around.  I'd do that.  It could be fun, and I like making money playing tunes, too.  I only want to be in a cover band if I'm singing--that sounds really, really enjoyable.

5. Ambition detaches you
I'm trying to do a bunch of stuff, and it's detaching me from the simplicity of life--the small pleasures.  Like, I'm trying to cram in house-cleaning session in between everything else.  I usually kinda ENJOY cleaning my house.  It makes me proud, and I feel good when I'm doing it--and when I'm done.  There's nary a moment right now.  Kinda blows.

So---that's what I've learned in the first 29 days of 2013.  A January filled with eye-opening.

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