Monday, August 13, 2012

My goals list=epic fail, Wife injury, My teaching future

At the end of each year, I make a list of goals for the next one.  So, I know in 2012, I had planned a few things that probably won't get done.  I did get healthier by losing 35 pounds (30 of which are still gone--it's summer--cut me some slack).  However, I won't finish eight video games, I doubt I'll have a solo album done.  I got the rest of Erin's stuff from her parents' place over here, finally.  WC album is done and sounds tight.  Doing more musically, without question--but I don't have a firm grip on the BeeHive yet.

But I'm getting closer.  Found some phat (fat? phatt? fatty?) plugins which were undiscovered, and the music I've been mixing sounds far better. 

To make a point--my goal list is shaping up to be an epic fail, even though I've been doing a lot of stuff.  I don't usually revisit the list, because I like to surprise myself.  But I'm going to make an exception tomorrow.  I'm gonna look back and make a checklist.  I really want to get EVERYTHING on the list done.  Since over half of 2012 is already gone (holy shit!)--I've got to get busy.

My wife, who hurt herself in a freak accident just stepping out of a golf cart--tore a muscle where her calf is.  She can walk, but it's a gimpy-stride-kinda move.  The doc made her take a week off of work.  I hate the way it happened--but it's been really, really nice to have her around.  Even during the summer, I don't see her a ton because she's working 14 hour days.  For the past seven days, she has been around me.  I don't really want to see her leave tomorrow morning.  It feels like the end of summer.  Plus, the Olympics ending today--I can just sense that work is right around the corner. 

During most summers, I fall immediately into my natural sleeping pattern--which is 4 am to 11 am.  However, for most of this break, I was doing a 230 to 930 thing.   This week, the former is returning.  This is a bad sign.  It's going to make it impossible to going back, comfortably, to waking up at 630 in the morning.  I'm really looking forward to the new year.  I want to do a lot of things with WSCN, and I've added two more novels to the AP curriculum. 

Soon, I'm going to have to consider getting my doctorate--perhaps from Kent.  I always planned on teaching college.  However, I enjoy my job so much--I don't know if I could ever leave to move on to the college level.  There's something very rewarding about teaching high schoolers--but there's the discipline thing.  I don't deal with it much.  But I hate it.  I put it right below grading as my least favorite thing dealing with work. 

But I love the friends that I work with, and the program I run there.  I've said it many times before, but I feel very lucky to deal with the kids I deal with day in and day out.  They're always creative and unique.  But the professor thing is tempting.  This isn't a decision I have to make right now.  But it's one I must make soon.

Now, the only decision tonight--do I eat Sour Patch Kids?  I think I do.  I'll still be 29 pounds less in the morning. :-)

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