Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 In Review

Things from 2014 that will stick with me:
1. The power of positivity - In 2013, I was consumed by the loss of the love in my job.  Too many initiatives coming from too many places.  So, I began to question my career.  What was next?  How could I ever accomplish everything that was coming down the road?  It seemed impossible.  Then, I figured out that it WAS impossible.  If I worried about all of the changes and rules and laws and bylaws and standards and tests--I would NEVER get out from under it.  So, in 2014 (starting with the new school year in September), I QUIT WORRYING.  I don't worry about the meetings and the standards and yadayadayada.  Don't get me wrong, when I get observed, I have all my ducks in a row.  When it comes time to turn in numbers for the state, I'm ready.  I'm still DOING my job.  But I'm not worrying about the extra stuff.  I'm just enjoying teaching my students.  That's what I'm there for.  If they ever decide to remove me because I'm not doing this and that, and it's out of my control, I guess I'll leave.  But they'll never remove me for not being there for the growth of my kids.  That's what it's all about.  The suits can decide otherwise.

2. My growth as a golfer, through failure - I was really excited to coach the girls' golf team this past year.  Then, on July 5th, I had a terrible meltdown on the course--the first in four or five years, I'd say.  I walked off and decided (a) I needed to learn how to golf and (b) I wasn't ready to teach others how to do so.  I didn't play until I finished three weeks of lessons near the end of July.  Boom.  Instant improvement.  Yes, I've got a lot more to learn.  But instead of shooting 98-102 for 18, I'm usually 90-96 now.  That's a big step.  I feel badly that I failed the girls who had signed up, but I would've done them a disservice if I tried to guide them to conquering something I hadn't yet conquered.  Over the past four or five months, I've conquered it.

3. My legacy is growing more important to me, but I still don't know why - I fear that life is halfway over and I've only accomplished 15% of what I want to do, I'd say.  I'm extremely happy being alive and doing what I do, but I still want to do more.  So I've gotta pick up the pace.
I only gave myself three goals for 2014.  They were:
1. Write (literature and/or music--but MOSTLY, literature)
2. Publish (literature and/or music--but MOSTLY music)
3. Get better at playing piano and guitar

I did put out my first solo album and finished recording KKC's new disc, after years of delays.  I really think we'll have a CD release show in February and will have the CD done and ready for sale by then.  I'm working on a project with one of my solo songs, and I'm really excited about that.  I still want to fill the world with music.  Gotta keep pushing.  Sometimes, comfort and happiness can actually lead to laying back, and I need to stop doing this.  I feel like I did pretty well with goal #1 and goal #2.  Disappointed I didn't write more fiction, because I have a ton of ideas.  It's time for a new White Cadillac disc, too.

I didn't get better at playing piano or guitar because I didn't attempt to do that.  I wanted to, but just never did it.  So, yet again, that will have to be saved for another time.  Maybe never?
My goals for 2015:
1. Help Erin get Shattered Time to a new level - My wife is making some really cool jewelry and stuff, and it's up to ME to help her get it online and represented in a better selling platform.  I haven't because I'm too busy with music, games, house cleaning, etc.  I'm being selfish, I think.  I need to focus on helping her get this going because she loves it and she's worked so hard at it.  Can't drop the ball on this one.
2. Play More Shows - When KKC was booming from 98-02 or so, I would schedule at LEAST three shows a month.  All over the place.  I quit doing the booking stuff, and we've been kinda coasting since then.  I don't WANT to play 36 KKC shows this year.  But I think 10-12 isn't out of the question.  Do some WC shows.  Maybe even do a show for my solo stuff.  That would be A LOT of fun, too.  I dunno.  I just need to give more weekends to music.  I don't play covers, so I won't make too much money.  But that's not what it's about, is it?  At least, not for me.
3. Be available - Especially for family.  I don't get to spend much time with my dad and mom because life does life stuff.  But I don't want to regret missing chances to see the people I love, because none of us are here forever.  That lesson is hitting home, especially over the past few weeks.  I need to take advantage of my time with them, so I have memories once the actual people have faded away.
4. Finish my basement - Ugh, I want to make my basement functional and nice.  Right now, it looks like the opening scene from Terminator 2 where the robots are shooting lasers and stepping on the skulls.  It's that bad.
5. Don't bitch about stuff - Sticking with this positivity thing, I don't want to bitch about stuff.   Like, doing dishes.  I own a sink and plates and food.  But I bitch about doing dishes.  That's just ignorant.  A lot of people don't have dishes, food, a sink or water.  So, quit bitching, Fred.  You pansy.
6. Using a scheduler/calendar - I suck at keeping dates straight, so I miss out on things.  That's pretty lame.
7. Get back in shape - Yeah, I've been eating a lot of bread.  With beers.  Beers, too.
My Favorite Albums of 2014:
Honorable Mentions:
Crowbar -
Symmetry in Black, Weird Al Yankovic - Mandatory Fun, Weezer - Everything Will be Alright in the End, Magnum - Escape from the Shadow Garden, Goatwhore - Constricting Rage of the Merciless
10. Silver Snakes -  Year of the Snake
Sometimes this album sounds like Silverchair.  Other times, it's far too rockin' and dirrrty for that.  But I really enjoy it.
9. Black Label Society - Catacombs of the Black Vatican
Zakk Wylde proved that he's not bored (nor is he boring) with this album.  I thought he's been a bit too predictable and comfortable.  But something forced him to dig deeper to make a CATCHY album.  Several of the choruses on this effort will stick with a listener for several hours after they've heard it.
8. Opeth - Pale Communion
I was really disappointed with much of Harvest--not because they're too mainstream.  Just because it was too dull and drab.  The music on this new album really engaged me, and I'm interested in Opeth all over again.
7. Machine Head - Bloodstone and Diamonds
This is raging, yet melodic--which is exactly what Machine Head does best.  I hope these guys NEVER hang it up.  They're just too damned good.
6. At the Gates - At War with Reality
I'm not sure exactly how long it's been, but I think it's been around 20 years since these guys did a disc.  Oh my God.  This is as good as thrash can get.  If they could've just put out an album once every four years, instead of one every two decades, this band could be one of the greatest metal bands in history.
5. Freddie Gibbs and Madlib - Pinata
It's been about a decade since I last got REALLY into a good rap album.  This collaboration is it.  Too raw for a nerdy white guy like me to handle.  Gotttdamn.  It's SOOO good.  Go listen to it right now.  Especially "Shitsville"--that's a jam.
4. Mastodon - Once More 'Round the Sun
I saw these guys live this year, for like, the fourth time.  They were SO damned boring.  They didn't even want to be there, I think.  Maybe it's because they were too busy getting ready to drop this album.  It's excellent.  Not one weak track.  I might even rank it higher if they hadn't bored me to tears at the House of Blues in Cleveland.
3. Pallbearer - Foundations of Burden
So dark and melodic and slow and tasty and heavy and juicy and oh muh god
2. Beck - Morning Phase
A nice "sequel" to his album from 2002, Sea Change.  I had high expectations for this disc and he didn't disappoint. I don't really like quirky, silly Beck very much.   But I'm way into depressed, acoustic Beck.  This album is top notch.  You should give it a legitimate listen.
1. Nothing - Guilty of Everything
Something about this album just won't leave me alone.  From the opening dirges of "Hymn to the Pillory" to the last chord on the disc, it just stays with me for days and days.  It's got a trancey, almost-shoegaze kind of feel, yet it harkens back to Smashing Pumpkins when they were fresh and meaningful.  I really dig this disc more than any other. 
My Favorite Songs of 2014
(In no particular order, really)
1. What Did I Do?/God as My Witness - Foo Fighters
2. Beneath the Silt - Machine Head
3. Natural Born Killers - Live
4. At War with Reality - At the Gates
5. AOV - Slipknot
6. Eulogy for a Rock Band - Weezer
7. Clouds - Prince
8. World on Fire - Slash
9. Kill or Become - Cannibal Corpse
10.Cusp of Eternity - Opeth
11. Say Goodbye - Beck
12. Blackbird Chain - Beck
13. Shitsville  - Freddie Gibbs and Madlib
14. She Used to Love Me a Lot - Johnny Cash
15. Crying in the Rain - Magnum
16. Red - Silver Snakes
17. Same Side - The Casket Girls
18. Take It Off - Sleeper Agent
19. Heaven's Wall - Bruce Springsteen
20. My Dying Time - Black Label Society
21. Shades of Gray - Black Label Society
22. Pop Bubble - Body Count
23. The Taste of Dying - Crowbar
24. Animal Heart - Nina Persson
25. We Knew Him Well - Down
26. Qwerty - Mushroomhead
27. Dig - Nothing
28. Baring Teeth for Revolt - Goatwhore
29. Would You Fight for My Love? - Jack White
30. Beginning of the End - Judas Priest
31. Just Like a Dream - Lykke Li
32. Take Me to Church - Hozier
33. High Road - Mastodon
34. Ember City - Mastodon

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