Monday, January 19, 2015

Life Ain't Nothing But Bits and Money: Video Games That Stick With Me

A couple of days ago, while looking at my brand new, shiny consoles--I got sad.  I felt like a failure.  I have about 20 games from the last generation of consoles that I never finished, and it makes me feel wasteful.  Why did I not finish them?  Too busy?  Maybe.  But probably not.  I just get bored or get excited about the next thing that's coming out. 

I joke that the reason I buy all the new consoles right away is because, as a child, I was usually a console behind.  I got Pong when the Atari came out.  I got an Atari very shortly before the Nintendo hit market.  When the 16 Bit revolution was going on, I still played the Nintendo for quite a while.  New consoles were expensive, and my family certainly wasn't wealthy when I was growing up.  So now, if it comes out, I usually snag it up right away like the spoiled brat that I am. 

Anyhow, I decided to take on Bioshock.  I've never gotten more than one hour into the game.  I think this is my third time starting over.  So far, it's a blast.  It got me to thinkin'--what games shaped me into the gamer I am now?  If I had to just pick a handful, from all of the consoles past and present, what games would be on my Mount Rushmore of games.  Well, these games would:

This game really was my first system.  Just two knobs.  My brother wasn't born yet, or he was just drooling at that point.  No neighbors.  I just played with myself all the time.  Yikes.  You know what I mean.
Pitfall (Atari 2600)
You could go underground and there were alligators.  That's really all I needed to love this game.  Not sure if you could "beat" the game, per say.  But I loved it.  So much so, this is incorporated into my video game tattoo.  Yes, I have a video game tattoo.  I'm that guy.
Bowling (Atari 2600)
This game was just pure fun, and I could play for hours. 
Warlords (Atari 2600)
Yes!  This game allowed four people to play against each other, at home.  This was quite unheard of.  Players also used the turny-knob controllers, which I really only used for this and the one nighttime racing game.
Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers, SMB 2, SMB 3 (NES)
My obsession with Mario started early.  I couldn't get enough of these games, and all of them felt so unique.  I must say, Super Mario Brothers 3 is my favorite, but 2 has quite a bit of charm as well.    Mario is part of the tat.
The Legend of Zelda Games (except II) -- Several Systems
I really hated Zelda II, but every other Zelda game has been awesome.  I haven't finished Skyward Sword and I never finished Windwaker.  But I just got the HD update for the WiiU of Windwaker, so that might be next on my list to finish--if I ever conquer Bioshock.  Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past are tied for my favorites.  Both great games!  Link is part of the tat.
Contra (NES)
Sure I used up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A--who didn't?  But eventually, I got good enough where I could beat this game with less than three lives.  Shooting the aliens heart repeatedly at the end was extremely rewarding.  The music was catchy, and the guns (except for that damned spinny, spirally gun) were awesome!
Tekken 2 (PlayStation)
I never loved fighting games, but this one was great.  When I lived with a few friends, we'd have people over and just play this forever.  Except Eddy Gordo.  Screw that guy.
Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)
I hung out with a few friends in Girard and played this from the time we got home from school until I had to go home to sleep.  Still fun to play!  Seriously.  It has aged well.
Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)
This squirrel swore, he bounced around on a flowers boobs and the money would talk to you and taunt you in a New York accent.  I couldn't believe the raunchiness of this game--which is nothing compared to more recent games.  But I loved it, and I'd play it again right now.  I'm sure it still is fun and hysterical.
GoldenEye (N64)
Everybody loves this game.  Everyone.  I had a N64 which I'd take everywhere to play against friends.   I called it the box full of fun.  And it was, every time.
No Mercy/WrestleMania 2000 (N64)
This is when wrestling games were simply pure, unadulterated fun.  Now it's complex to line up ladders with belts, and tables, and buttons and timing.  These games were the best, and I'd play, alone and with friends, for hours.  In fact, No Mercy would go in my Top 5, no question.
Resident Evil (PlayStation)
A game which was scary?  Legitimately scary.  They're about to release an updated version tomorrow (I think) for the new consoles, and I'll probably pick it up.  The controls seem clunky now, but back when it was released, I'd never seen anything like it.  So engaging!
WrestleFest (Arcade Game)
I told my Dad when we were at Truck World, when I was like 14, "Someday, I'll buy this when I'm a man, so I can play it at home!"  My dad said, "Son, you won't want that when you're grown up.  You'll want adult things."  Yeah, I own it.  It's in my basement right now.
Grand Theft Auto 4 & 5 (Xbox360)
I know San Andreas and GTA3 were groundbreaking, but these games was so unbelievable.  The storylines were always shifting and changing, and you could do WHATEVER you want in them.  I gave up over 60 hours on each one, and it was the best 120 hours you can spend on a game.
The Last of Us (PS3)
This might be the greatest game I've ever played.  I'm not 100% sure.  But it's close.  Every second is on-the-edge-of-your-seat action, and the ending is the most soul-destroying ending I've ever seen for a game.  It starts out with insanity, and it never quits for over 20 hours.  There are several cut scenes which I will never forget for the rest of my life,
NBA2K14 (PS4)
The only game I've ever spent over 100 hours playing (Zelda: Twilight Princess clocked in at just under 90).  I took my player, Smoove Wilcox to a title with the New Orleans Pelicans.  Sometimes, when I see the Pelicans on TV, I still think they actually won a title.  It was just really, really fun.
Socom 2 (PlayStation 2)
This was the first game I ever played online against people.  Jeremy and I would play the Abandoned board over and over and over.  We were such campers, but we were good.  I eventually created a gamer name alternative so offensive, that all the players on my own team would just kill me as soon as I spawned.  Calling me terrible names.  Boy, that was a good time.
Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2 (XBox360)
I've never played so much online war.  It never got old, and it was the first game to incorporate all the weapon upgrades that ACTUALLY made a difference. 
Tiger Woods Golf 2004 (Gamecube)
All I have to say, this game was so fun, I started golfing in real life just because I liked the video game.  That's right, my third favorite hobby, behind music and gaming--started because of this game.  It's cost me thousands of dollars and handfuls of broken clubs since then.  I don't regret a thing.
Animal Crossing (Gamecube)
This game never really WENT anywhere, but I got a statue of myself eventually and I made shirts making fun of my friend Julian, which ended up in games in Chicago because TubRing stayed at our house after we played with them at the Binghi.  That's a memory for a lifetime.
Metal Gear Solid 2 (PlayStation 2)
I hid under a box for 25 hours and choked dudes out.  Then I threw them in lockers.  Yes, that WAS amazingly entertaining!
Batman Arkham Asylum (PS3)
Just a badassed game.  It makes you FEEL like you're really Batman.  How can that NOT be awesome.  The newer games in the series are just as good--but this was my first!

All I know is that the PS4 and XboxOne are the most powerful consoles I've ever owned.  I can't wait to see what the next decade of gaming has in store!

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