Saturday, June 16, 2012

Love of Hitch, Summer list

Thus far, this has been a refreshing summer.  I've been golfing a lot, and hanging out with my friends.  Musically, slow--but I'm not too bummed about that at the moment.  I need to refresh myself a bit, and sometimes, that means just enjoying your free time and being alive.  My wife has been working her ass off and--while some husbands would be like "Yay!"--I'm not.  I sincerely appreciate her company.  In fact, you know I can't go a whole blog without mentioning golf--I saw her get her first birdie ever today on the 4th hole at Old Avalon--a par 4.  She drove it to 80 yards left, hit it within two feet, and putted it in.  Damned happy for her. 

In my boredom, and three Kentucky Bourbon Barrels in, I decided to take a break from the nonstop viewing of the US Open (go Tiger) to watch Alfred Hitchcock's I Confess.  I had a Hitchcock class in my Masters studies several years ago (fun fact: with my future White Cadillac band mate, BJ Lisko).  I've been pretty in love with Hitch ever since.  I love his film style and the subliminal nature he utilizes to deliver non-subliminal truths.  There are NO directors like him now.  Nothing is visual or subtle.  I still harbor aspirations of writing a script and filming a full length feature--albeit on a low budget, I'm sure.  Though I don't love movies, I love the process of MAKING them.  I totally sound like the clueless wife of the owner of Noah's Arcade in Wayne's World right now.  But, I've always wanted to attempt this.  Someday, I will.  It might be awful.  But I think, visually, I could put a rather impressive piece together. 

I digress.  Watching I Confess really inspired me to watch more Hitch this summer.  I have over 50 of his films--a handful, I've still never watched.  Plus Seasons 1 and 2 of his TV show.  So, I'm going to watch more Hitch this summer.  And putting THAT on the list made me want to make a list of goddamned lists.  Okay.  No it didn't.  But I DID decide to make a list of things I want to accomplish before the WG comes calling again.  So, here it is:

My "Do This Shit for Summer 2012" List:1. Clean the garage and the basement.  Seriously.  It's pretty out of line.  This is mundane.  But I've gotta do it.
2. Get Erin's "stuff" over to the house.  She still has several things stored at her parents' place (as I call it, the "storage facility").  I gotta get that here.
3. Make sure Whit Acres is turning out some delicious produce.
4. Figure out my irons (or sell the damned things) and shoot below 40 for nine holes.  I shot a 46 today, and it wasn't pretty.  With three less mistakes, I'm at a 39.
5. Get the 49ers room taken care of.  Also, get a Mario Manningham signature for the room.  This just needs to happen. 
6.  Use the BeeHive to record the new KKC disc.  Also, more solo stuff.  Also, someone who isn't me.  Also, a duet with someone.  This all needs to happen.
7.  Play a few video games, and finish them.  I suck so much at completing games right now.
8. Write. 
9. Do things for my Dad.  Like, my pops cuts my grass and takes really good care of his sons.  My brother and I have both been treated really well by Fred Sr.  He's older now, and I need to help a bit more. 
10. Destroy the last 25% of my temper.  It showed up today.  I need to just be chill all of the time.  There's nothing in my life, seriously, worth being angry about.  I need to finish the Thich Nhat Hanh book and just remember that shit.  It's really not that hard, and life would be even better--which is hard to fathom.
11. My "musical" business venture--which I haven't talked much about--is almost underway. It's going to require more connections, more networking, more getting out of my house.  But, I'm 34.  So, that's not TOTALLY old yet.
12. Sharpen up my skillz on guitarz and pianoz.  I can play both of these at a minimal level.  However, if I learn how to play both of these better, all of the musical concepts that come into my head, can be released.  I've seriously been singing like, 10 different things--over and over again--for two years.  In my head, they're already existing songs.  But they've never been played.  I'm like Mr. Holland without the creepy moustache and the crush on curly haired girls that are far too young.

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